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LawAccess NSW

Got a NSW traffic offence problem?

Driver licence suspension, a fine, or need to attend court?

We can help.

This tool is designed by lawyers to help you find the best way to deal with your traffic offence problem.

Just answer a few questions, we’ll explain your options to help you make a decision about what to do next.

What can we help you with?

No matter the problem, it's important not to ignore it.

You might need help with more than one thing, but to keep it simple choose which you want to deal with first. We can always help with any other issues later.

Fine notice

If you want to know your options for dealing with a fine notice that you have received.

General information

Are you having problems with fines?

The sooner you do something about a fine, the better. Even if you have accumulated a big fines debt over a long period, there are still things you can do to stop enforcement action and get back on track. Reducing your debt may be easier than you think and there are options available to help people experiencing hardship.